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沉默的傷痕 : 日軍慰安婦歷史影像書 = Silent scars : history of sexual slavery by the Japanese military : a pictorial book

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  什麼是「慰安婦」?您可曾讀過「慰安婦」的歷史?可曾聽過或看過倖存慰安婦講述親身經歷、回憶她們塵封的傷痕?慰安婦」在長久以來是難以驗證的話題,這話題受爭議,甚至被當成是恥辱。「慰安婦」這名詞並不陌生,但是大眾截至目前為止以來,對這名詞的認知依然是片面、不熟悉,未能經由明確的史料證據與研究,整合系統性地去瞭解她們的歷史與時代遭遇。慰安婦真如外界所言,是「自願」成為慰安婦,甚至是女人「為國效忠」之責?「慰安婦」的歷史被誤解扭曲,這誤解來自對過去歷史的漠視、對女性地位的漠視。  本書以圖像與文字併陳的方式,將慰安婦這半世紀以來的歷史介紹給社會大眾,帶領讀者回到慰安婦歷史原地,追溯阿嬤們身體上的傷痕,一步一創口地走過六十年來亞洲慰安婦歷史大事記,瞭解阿嬤們的心聲與悲歡。本書突破單語書籍的限制,以中英對照雙語言呈現,以期能讓亞洲地區與世界各地的讀者們,都能藉由本書瞭解婦女史中的一頁命運悲歌。作者簡介  台北市婦女救援基金會(婦援會)成立於一九八七年,救援被迫從娼少女,成台灣終止婦女買賣先驅。一九九二年設立慰安婦申訴專線,在王清峰律師敲開第一位台灣倖存慰安婦阿嬤家門後,開始照顧受害阿嬤生活、提供身心照顧工作坊、協助對日求償並參與國際運動等。攝影師簡介  兩位台籍和一位日籍志工攝影師,兩年來,拍攝阿嬤對日求償運動及生活影像。記錄倖存者容顏也記錄了這段歷史。I. 黃子明  「我選擇表現的是——這群歷經滄桑卻堅強活著的老婦人,重建身體自主和自我價值意識的過程,摘下戴了超過一甲子的面具,她們的生命韌性與勇氣應該讓更多人去感受。」  簡介:台灣台南人,一九六○年生,國立台灣藝專畢,從事採訪攝影二十年,現任中國時報攝影中心主任。  經歷:拍攝過「參加韓戰的反共義士」(1989-1996)、「與魔鬼的戰爭——戒毒人生活」(1999-2000)、「外籍勞工在台灣」(1993-2001)、「大陸漁工的旅館——海上船屋」(1994-2000)、「港都勞工群像」(2003)、「日軍性奴隸——台灣慰安婦」(2000-2005)等專題。作品曾獲吳舜文新聞攝影獎、中國精神新聞攝影獎首獎、兩度台北新聞攝影獎首獎、佳作、台北攝影節新人獎佳作、第一屆中國國際新聞攝影獎現場人物類組照金牌獎。多幅作品獲國立台灣美術館典藏。II. 矢宰  「我選擇用肖像攝影呈現,因我想和每一位受害女性直接面對面接觸,然後將這些面對面溝通透過照片提供給社會大眾,會發現橫跨在這些女性與我們之間的鴻溝既深且寬。」  簡介:日本群馬縣人,一九七一年生,早稻田大學印度歷史學系畢,曾任朝日新聞攝影記者,現任韓國「日軍性奴隸博物館」攝影師兼任研究員。  經歷:二○○二年在日本東京證券交易所展覽”Do you like Japan?”(你喜歡日本嗎?);二○○四年開始拍攝南韓、台灣、中國等地慰安婦倖存受害者的照片,曾獲二○○五年「DAY JAPAN」雜誌女性記錄影像獎。同年在韓國首爾展出”Lineages of Separation: Voices and Portraits of the Survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery”(斷絕的系譜——日軍性奴隸倖存者的影音展)。同年在韓國光州日軍性奴隸博物館展出”Road / Aged / Rage”(路/老/怒)III. 沈君帆  「歷史無法回頭、無法抹滅,卻容易被淡忘,身為一個攝影者該體認見證這個時代的重要性,這是我們唯一會的,但也是神聖的本領。」  簡介:台灣台南人,一九七六年生,輔大心理復健系畢業,世新平面傳播科技學系攝影組肄業,現任平面媒體攝影記者。  經歷:劉振祥工作室助理,蘋果日報攝影記者。Photographer:   For two years, two Taiwanese and one Japanese photographers have Volunteered to visually document Ah Ma\'s life and the reparation campaign against Japan. The survivors\' faces and lives are thus chronicled.I. Huang, Zi Ming  “What I want to represent is the rebuilding process of the physical well-being and self-image of these old ladies, who endured the ordeals in life but still live firmly. Taking off masks worn for over sixty years, they demonstrated far more tenacity and courage than most people.”Biographical notes  Born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1960. Mr.Huang graduated from National Taiwan College of Arts. He has been a photographer for twenty years. Now he is the director of the Photography Center of the China Times.  His works include “Anti-Communist Defectors of the Korean War” (1989-1996), “War Against Devil-Lives of Drugs Quitters” (1999-2000), “Foreign Labor in Taiwan” (1993-2001), “Hotel of Mainland Fishing Workers: Boathouse on the Sea” (1994-2000), “Portraits of Laborers in the Port City” (2003), “Japanese Military Sexual Slavery: ‘Comfort Women’ in Taiwan” (2000-2005).  He has won many awards, including “Wu Shun Wen News Photography Award”, “The Chinese Spirit News Photography First Award”, “Taipei News Photography First Award” (twice), “Taipei News Photography Fine Piece Award”, “Taipei Photography Festival New News Photographer Fine Piece Award”, and “the Gold Medal of Scene Figure of the First Chinese International News Photography”. Many of his works are collections of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.II. Tsukasa YAJIMA  Photographer and researcher of The Museum of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery  Born in Takasaki, Japan, 1971.  B.A in Indian history from Waseda University.  Studied photography at Japan Photography Institute.  Contract photographer for the Asahi Shinbun (97-99) and became a freelancer.  Taking pictures of former "sexual slaves" by Japanese Military during the Asia pacific war in South Korea, Taiwan and the mainland of China. Winner of women’s documentary award from DAY JAPAN magazine in 2005.[EXHIBITIONS]  “Do you like Japan?” Tokyo Stock Exchange, 2002 Tokyo, Japan  “Lineages of Separation– Voices and Portraits of the Survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery” Gallery Fish, 2004 Seoul, Korea  “Road / Aged / Rage” The Museum of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, 2004 Kwangju, KoreaIII. Shen Ju-feng  “History cannot be turned back, nor erased. But it could easily be forgotten. As a photographer, I must bear witness to each moment in time. This is our one and only sacred mission.”Biographical notes:  Born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1976. Graduated from the Deaprtment of Psychological Counseling at Furen University. Studied photography at Shishing University. A photographer-reporter for two-dimensional media.  Work experience: assistant at Liu Chen-hsiang Workshop; photographer-reporter for Apple Daily.

作者簡介   台北市婦女救援基金會(婦援會)成立於一九八七年,救援被迫從娼少女,成台灣終止婦女買賣先驅。一九九二年設立慰安婦申訴專線,在王清峰律師敲開第一位台灣倖存慰安婦阿嬤家門後,開始照顧受害阿嬤生活、提供身心照顧工作坊、協助對日求償並參與國際運動等。 攝影師簡介   兩位台籍和一位日籍志工攝影師,兩年來,拍攝阿嬤對日求償運動及生活影像。記錄倖存者容顏也記錄了這段歷史。 I. 黃子明   「我選擇表現的是——這群歷經滄桑卻堅強活著的老婦人,重建身體自主和自我價值意識的過程,摘下戴了超過一甲子的面具,她們的生命韌性與勇氣應該讓更多人去感受。」   簡介:台灣台南人,一九六○年生,國立台灣藝專畢,從事採訪攝影二十年,現任中國時報攝影中心主任。   經歷:拍攝過「參加韓戰的反共義士」(1989-1996)、「與魔鬼的戰爭——戒毒人生活」(1999-2000)、「外籍勞工在台灣」(1993-2001)、「大陸漁工的旅館——海上船屋」(1994-2000)、「港都勞工群像」(2003)、「日軍性奴隸——台灣慰安婦」(2000-2005)等專題。作品曾獲吳舜文新聞攝影獎、中國精神新聞攝影獎首獎、兩度台北新聞攝影獎首獎、佳作、台北攝影節新人獎佳作、第一屆中國國際新聞攝影獎現場人物類組照金牌獎。多幅作品獲國立台灣美術館典藏。 II. 矢宰   「我選擇用肖像攝影呈現,因我想和每一位受害女性直接面對面接觸,然後將這些面對面溝通透過照片提供給社會大眾,會發現橫跨在這些女性與我們之間的鴻溝既深且寬。」   簡介:日本群馬縣人,一九七一年生,早稻田大學印度歷史學系畢,曾任朝日新聞攝影記者,現任韓國「日軍性奴隸博物館」攝影師兼任研究員。   經歷:二○○二年在日本東京證券交易所展覽”Do you like Japan?”(你喜歡日本嗎?);二○○四年開始拍攝南韓、台灣、中國等地慰安婦倖存受害者的照片,曾獲二○○五年「DAY JAPAN」雜誌女性記錄影像獎。同年在韓國首爾展出”Lineages of Separation: Voices and Portraits of the Survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery”(斷絕的系譜——日軍性奴隸倖存者的影音展)。同年在韓國光州日軍性奴隸博物館展出”Road / Aged / Rage”(路/老/怒) III. 沈君帆   「歷史無法回頭、無法抹滅,卻容易被淡忘,身為一個攝影者該體認見證這個時代的重要性,這是我們唯一會的,但也是神聖的本領。」   簡介:台灣台南人,一九七六年生,輔大心理復健系畢業,世新平面傳播科技學系攝影組肄業,現任平面媒體攝影記者。   經歷:劉振祥工作室助理,蘋果日報攝影記者。 Photographer:   For two years, two Taiwanese and one Japanese photographers have Volunteered to visually document Ah Ma\'s life and the reparation campaign against Japan. The survivors\' faces and lives are thus chronicled. I. Huang, Zi Ming   “What I want to represent is the rebuilding process of the physical well-being and self-image of these old ladies, who endured the ordeals in life but still live firmly. Taking off masks worn for over sixty years, they demonstrated far more tenacity and courage than most people.” Biographical notes   Born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1960. Mr.Huang graduated from National Taiwan College of Arts. He has been a photographer for twenty years. Now he is the director of the Photography Center of the China Times.   His works include “Anti-Communist Defectors of the Korean War” (1989-1996), “War Against Devil-Lives of Drugs Quitters” (1999-2000), “Foreign Labor in Taiwan” (1993-2001), “Hotel of Mainland Fishing Workers: Boathouse on the Sea” (1994-2000), “Portraits of Laborers in the Port City” (2003), “Japanese Military Sexual Slavery: ‘Comfort Women’ in Taiwan” (2000-2005).   He has won many awards, including “Wu Shun Wen News Photography Award”, “The Chinese Spirit News Photography First Award”, “Taipei News Photography First Award” (twice), “Taipei News Photography Fine Piece Award”, “Taipei Photography Festival New News Photographer Fine Piece Award”, and “the Gold Medal of Scene Figure of the First Chinese International News Photography”. Many of his works are collections of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. II. Tsukasa YAJIMA   Photographer and researcher of The Museum of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery   Born in Takasaki, Japan, 1971.   B.A in Indian history from Waseda University.   Studied photography at Japan Photography Institute.   Contract photographer for the Asahi Shinbun (97-99) and became a freelancer.   Taking pictures of former "sexual slaves" by Japanese Military during the Asia pacific war in South Korea, Taiwan and the mainland of China. Winner of women’s documentary award from DAY JAPAN magazine in 2005. [EXHIBITIONS]   “Do you like Japan?” Tokyo Stock Exchange, 2002 Tokyo, Japan   “Lineages of Separation– Voices and Portraits of the Survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery” Gallery Fish, 2004 Seoul, Korea   “Road / Aged / Rage” The Museum of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, 2004 Kwangju, Korea III. Shen Ju-feng   “History cannot be turned back, nor erased. But it could easily be forgotten. As a photographer, I must bear witness to each moment in time. This is our one and only sacred mission.” Biographical notes:   Born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1976. Graduated from the Deaprtment of Psychological Counseling at Furen University. Studied photography at Shishing University. A photographer-reporter for two-dimensional media.   Work experience: assistant at Liu Chen-hsiang Workshop; photographer-reporter for Apple Daily.
